In addition to the specific vulnerabilities that accompany persons forced to migrate, refugees, and persons in the context of human mobility in general there are population groups in which multiple factors of discrimination converge, such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and age, intersectionally compounding their levels of vulnerability and impairing their enjoyment and exercise of their human rights.

The dynamics of the flows of migrants and refugees from Venezuela are no exception; to the contrary, this crisis has shown how different groups suffer discrimination, neglect, invisibility, and violence differently. Accordingly, it is imperative that every action, decision, public policy, and response by all the actors involved in responding to the crisis of migrants and refugees, especially from Venezuela, take into account the differential approach and the intersection of one or more of these factors with their already-vulnerable status as migrant or refugee. Bearing in mind that these factors are related to situations of discrimination and structural exclusion, a human rights-based response with a differential approach should also consider the specific vulnerabilities that accompany these groups from their country of origin, which are aggravated in light of the discrimination and exclusion to which they may continue to be exposed in the transit or destination countries. READ MORE