When it comes to finding solutions to the challenges facing migrants and persons in need of international protection we start from the reality that many States of the Americas are receiving flows of persons from Venezuela in their territories, generating challenges not only domestically, but also regionally, that need to be addressed regionally as well. The regional response requires specific actions designed and implemented collectively by regional actors, multilateral organizations, States, and civil society. Similarly, the regional responses should be articulated with national and local proposals.
We understand regional solutions to mean those decisions and actions that have been the subject of dialogue, discussion and coordination, adopted simultaneously by the majority of receiving States, delegates of civil society, organizations of migrants and refugees, and international organizations. Moreover, regional solutions are understood as those in which: good practices in the region, non- regressive measures, and updated regional information are incorporated in the system of protection in the Americas; a response is forthcoming for persons in transit; and specific mechanisms of regional protection are implemented on refugee status, differential and affirmative actions, standardization of requirements for entering territories, and accessing rights.
On analyzing the various international organizations and forums, as well as the Latin American integration initiatives, we recognize that at present there is no multilateral body in which all the States participate actively and that enjoys absolute backing in the region. As a result, directing advocacy to just one of the various multilateral forums or initiatives is complex. Accordingly, the civil society organizations that have come together are of the view that advocacy is needed vis-à-vis several actors, including the Organization of American States, the United Nations, and the regional political groups or mechanisms that are established specifically to address this situation.
The gist of the proposal is to foster a regional and coordinated response in which the principle of shared responsibility prevails with the participation of the States involved, the international organizations, civil society, the national human rights institutions, the migrant and refugee population, as well as all the actors involved.
To this end, the initial action to be proposed is organizing an international conference for developing a strategy for the exercise of the rights of Venezuelan refugees and migrants with the following characteristics:
A. It should facilitate decisions and commitments, particularly on the part of the States, and their interaction with all the other actors.
B. It should allow for the direct participation of civil society, especially of migrants and refugees from Venezuela.
C. It should be accompanied by and involve the active participation of international human rights bodies.
D. It should include the largest possible number of states of the Americas.
E. It should include the presence of donor countries and institutions. READ MORE